The upcoming social message oriented movie Acharya marks Mega Power Star Ram Charan and Megastar Chiranjeevi’ first on-screen collaboration. The Koratala Siva directorial venture Acharya has Kajal Aggarwal and Pooja Hegde as the leading ladies. It is known news that on the occasion of Ugadi, the makers of Acharya introduced Pooja Hegde as Neelambari from Koratala Siva’ directorial venture Acharya. She is playing the love interest of Ram Charan’ character Siddha in the movie. The makers of Acharya have already released a song titled ‘Lahe .. Lahe’ from the movie, which was composed by Ramajoyya Shastri and crooned by Harika Narayan. Now according to the latest report, the romantic number, that starts off with the lines ‘Neelambari’ has been leaked in social media along with its lyrics. The song ‘Neelambari’ was shot on Ram Charan and Pooja Hegde.
Everyone is shocked as the song was leaked before it was officially released. Now mega fans want the director and producers to release the song as soon as possible.
The movie Acharya has a Maoist backdrop and revolves around the theme of misuse of power. Chiranjeevi and KajalA gagrwal starrer is jointly backed by Konidela Production Company and Matinee Entertainment whereas it has the music by Mani Sharma.