The much-awaited track 'Seeti Maar' from superstar Salman Khan's upcoming film 'Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai' has finally been released by the makers on Monday. Also starring the lead actress Disha Patani, the peppy track shows the two stars dancing their hearts out on the song. For those unversed, it happens to be an actual remake of Allu Arjun and Pooja Hegde's song Seeti Maar from their Telugu movie 'Duvvada Jagannadham.' The announcement of the song's arrival was made by Bhaijaan on Twitter where he shared the link and wrote, "Thank u Allu arjun for seeti maar absolutely loved the way u have performed in the song, the way u dance, your style, u r simply fantastic.. tk care n b safe. Rgds to ur family .. love u brother @alluarjun."
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