Sunitha Boya, a junior artiste and aspiring actress, has attempted suicide at Geetha Arts office located in Jubilee Hills road number 45, Hyderabad. According to the lady, she has been deceived by producer Bunny Vasu. As per her, the ‘Naa Peru Surya’ producer promised her that he will secure opportunities for her with the production house Geetha Arts.
Earlier Sunitha Boya lodged complaints against Bunny Vas with the Jubilee Hills Police nearly four times. As per the police department, 6 cases were registered against Sunitha in three different police stations in Hyderabad from time to time. She has been accused of resorting to blackmail on different occasions. In 2018, she was also in the news headlines when she had accused the controversial film critic and the late actor Kathi Mahesh of misbehaving with her.
A week ago, Sunitha Boya posted a video on the microblogging page and revealed that Bunny Vas is threatening her and she would attempt suicide before the Geetha Arts office.
Finally Sunitha reached Geetha Arts office for committing suicide but when and the manager saw her at the officer, he dialled the police. The Jubilee Hills police arrested her and produced before a judge. According to the cop, the mental condition of Sunitha is not good and requested to send her for treatment.