The controversial reality show Bigg Boss Telugu is all set to return with its season 5. The teaser of the most awaited reality TV show Bigg Boss 5 Telugu is expected to be out in August. The sources say that the teaser video shows the host making a smashing entry. The host is most likely to be entering into the Bigg Boss house in his most loved avatar. It is known that 3rd and 4th season were hosted by King Nagarjuna. But the reports suggest that there may be a change of host and another star hero will be roped in instead of Officer and Wild Dog fame actor. The reports are coming that the organizers are planning to rope Rana Daggubati as the host of Bigg Boss 5 Telugu.
While the debate about the list of contestants is still going on, there is news that the teaser cut for Bigg Boss 5 Telugu will be out in the month of August. Let’s wait for the official announcement regarding the teaser.
It is known that Young Tiger Jr NTR started the first season as the host of reality show Bigg Boss and Natural star Nani took care of the Bigg Boss 2 Telugu.