The Radha Krishna Kumar directorial resumed its shoot in Hyderabad a few days ago. The movie has been in the making for the past four years. The sources close to the makers revealed that makers of Radhe Shyam are finally set to wrap up the entire shoot with the forthcoming schedule which will be started on 23rd of this month and this last schedule will go on till 5th of August, with this the entire shoot will be completed. The makers are going to shoot a few solo scenes featuring Prabhas in this final schedule.
Radhe Shyam is a periodic romantic drama in which Prabhas is sharing the screen space with Pooja Hegde. This is the first time, they are working together for a film. Set in Europe of 1970s, the romantic drama also stars Sachin Khedekar, Bhagyashree, Priyadarsi Pulikonda Murli Sharma, Kunaal Roy Kapoor, Riddhi Kumar, Sasha Chettri, and Sathyan in the crucial roles.
It is being bankrolled by UV Creations and very soon the official announcement regarding the release date will be made.
On the work front, Prabhas will also be seen playing the lead roles in upcoming big budget movies Salaar, Adipurush and a Nag Ashwin directorial venture which has Deepika Padukone in the female lead role.