Yesterday Tamil actor Suriya took to social media to release the title look of his upcoming Tamil film Vaadi Vaasal which is directed by acclaimed storyteller Vetri Maaran and is bankrolled by Kalaippuli S Thanu under the banner of V Creations. Coming on the title poster, it features the imprint of a bull against a grey backdrop. Vaadivasal is a place in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, where the ancient sport of Jallikattu is celebrated every year.
The title poster gives a hint that the movie is likely to revolve around Tamil Nadu’s bull-fighting sport Jallikattu. The upcoming film will mark Suriya’s maiden collaboration with Vetri Maaran, who is known for working only with Dhanush. Four out of Vetri Maaran’ five films featured Dhanush in the lead role.
Suriya starrer Vaadi Vaasal is based on writer CS Chellappa’s novel of the same name. The book will be adapted for the big screen by director Vetri Maaran, and the actor Suriya will play the lead role of a popular bull tamer in this socio-political thriller drama.
The director Vetri Maaran is currently busy with Viduthalai. Meanwhile Suirya was last seen in director Sudha Kongara’s project Soorarai Pottru, and he received lost of applause for his performance. Currently he is busy in Pandiraj’s untitled film, which is being bankrolled by Sun Pictures.
Thank you for all your love!! #VaadiVaasalTitleLook @VetriMaaran @theVcreations @gvprakash @VelrajR @jacki_art #CSChellappa @kabilanchelliah #VaadiVaasal
— Suriya Sivakumar (@Suriya_offl) July 16, 2021