The young and energetic actor Ram Pothineni is currently working with Tamil film maker Lingusamy for an upcoming film #RAPO19. The makers have already started the shoot of the upcoming untitled film. Ram Pothineni and Nadhiya have joined the sets and started the shoot of their parts. Now a pic of Nadhiya from the sets of Ram Pothineni starrer #RAPO19 is going viral on the social media. She is seen wearing a yellow saree and a blue colored designer blouse. With glasses, it seems, Nadhiya is playing a very powerful role in Lingusamy’ directorial venture.
The reports are coming that she is playing the role of Ram Pothineni’ mother in this drama. On the otherside, she will be seen playing the key role in much hyped drama Drushyam 2, which is slated to release on Dinsney+Hotstar. She has already wrapped up the shoot of her part.
RAPO19 marks Lingusamy’s debut in Tollywood. It is a bilingual movie which is being made in Telugu and Tamil. The Tamil dialogues have been penned by Brinda Sarathy whereas Burra Sai Madhav has written the Telugu dialogues.
Sujith Vaassudev is handling the cinematography and Navin Nooli is taking care of editing department. Uppena fame Krithi Shetty has been roped in to play the love interest of Ram Pothineni.
#Nadiya Ma’am from the sets of #RAPO19
Ustaad @ramsayz #RAmPOthineni
— Ram Kumar (@laggishettyram) July 14, 2021