It is known that Malayalam actor Mammootty has been roped in to play the villain in Akhil Akkineni starrer upcoming film, Agent, which is helmed by Surender Reddy of Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy fame. The espionage-thriller, backed by Anil Sunkara, will see Akhil Akkineni as a spy agent. Initially, the makers have considered the likes of Malayalam star Mohanlal and Upendra for the role, but later they brought Mammootty on the board. If ongoing buzz in the media and the film industry are to be believed, King Nagarjuna, the father of Akhil played the important role in bringing Mammootty for spy thriller drama Agent.
Apparently, Nagarjuna was the one who got in touch with Mammootty and requested him to sign the project. As Mammootty is on the board, the movie canvas has become bigger.
The sources say that the confrontation scenes and dialogues between Akhil and Mammootty are going to be a treat to watch. Akhil is essaying the role of a spy and his role is inspired by the American action thriller franchise, The Bourne Series. Malayalam star Mammootty’ character makes a splash during an important sequence in the narrative. Agent will be shot in multiple countries including the India.
On the otherside, Akhil will also be seen sharing the screen space with Pooja Hegde in the romantic drama Most Eligible Bachelor.